stil more tos violation by steve
K4YZ wrote:
raped an old friend wrote:
another violation of Tos altering and defaming
if you want to keep it up you can but you should stop and rad the ToS
before you go on
And when I present some of YOUR stuff, Mork? Do you think it's
any less "abusive"...?!?!
sure is at les\ast the stuff done though google but go ahead if yo want
to try it
guess you did not read the Tos before you agreed to them
Nothings been violated...Except I am sure there are some barnyard
animals in UP Michigan that get nervous seeing you come around...
more violation of the ToS steve
yep that is defaming me
BTW where is your promised Lawsuit?
Still not paying attention, I see....
still waiting for action which is still MIA
Still not paying atteniton I see..........
I sure have been it is MIA
Steve, K4YZ