More Markie Mularkie
an Old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an old fiend wrote:
contiueing your misdeeds
What misdeeds?
now you defame some all reported to google
More lack of grammar skills.
por gramar is not is Tos Violatin steve
Being an illiterate putz is a viollation of nature, but you
alterin atributes is
"alterin"..?!?! Now you're "Southern"...?!?!
defaming is
harrassing is
I guess when you're sitting around waiting for the next welfare
check to arrive, making up words is a all you have to do to have
more defaming
How many times do you need to be told? It's not "defamation" if
it's true.
Sucks to be you.
mpre imporper materail
Congratulations. 100% error rate.
Steve, K4YZ