more tos violtion
K4YZ wrote:
an old flukie wrote:
and still more
K4YZ wrote:
No I don't noraml you d or Mr Slit and dave does then you expect me not
to respond and acept you calling me a child molestor
You ARE a child molester.
that is demfaitory and unture
you have called me a rapist here this morning
You are.
no I am not
You've admitted to taking sex by force in the past.
no I have not
by force is rape.
sex without consent is rape
Mark Morgan IS a rapist.
that is Libel and a violation of tTos service
and defaming again
It's not "defaming" when it's true.
that might apply if any of tis were true
it isn't
you are not stateing opinion but you are comiting libel