More Markie Mularkie
an old friend deceived himself:
K4YZ wrote:
an old liar wrote:
and another
Another what?
Wassamatta, Morkie?
and more deafming
you can tryoto provoke me as you do Todd but it will not work
More lying, Morkie.
Nope. Dead on.
It's "working" already.
Sure it is. You've danced the RHM dance all night.
You stayed up all night to "counter" any posts I made, and danced
your red-hatted-monkey dance at the same time.
nope been working all night dealing with your trash between other its f
Why do you insist on lying about work?
If you worked, they'd stop your welfare checks.
You're a leech on working people, Mork...Just like Toad.
Steve, K4YZ