To RHF et al: More On Ferrite Bead Usage ?
On Mon, 20 Mar 2006 19:16:57 -0500, "Robert11"
Thanks for suggestions on Ferrite Bead usage from older post, and for all
the past help.
Sure is a lot to learn.
Have one question on the ferrite beads:
For my receiving only antenna.
If I put some ferrite beads over the coax run in from the antenna to the
house, wouldn't
the beads (also) degrade the incoming received signal level?
I guess what's bothering me is that I don't see how they can absorb
noise "selectively" from the actual signal (30 MHz on down) ?
What's some of the very basic theory behind how these things actually work,
then ?
The ferrites only affect the currents on the outside of the cable.