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Old March 21st 06, 04:31 AM posted to
Michael E. Kempke
Posts: n/a
Default FT-897D and rigblaster plus

I have a rigblaster plus connected to an FT-100, I am not sure of the
available connections on the 897 but I used the data port on the FT 100, its
just a 6 pin mini din (looks like a PS2 connector for a mouse or a keyboard)
You can make your own cable out of an old keyboard cable just attach an RJ45
6 wire connector on the other end and you can set the jumpers inside the
rigblaster for what you need. you can also get custom cable from
westmountain radio but then you loose the use of your mic when rigblaster is
Hopefully that was helpful

Michael E. Kempke PT, ATC
University Sportsmedicine
Buffalo, NY
"MS" wrote in message

How to connect rigblaster plus and yaesu FT-897D together???

Many thanks and 73s Marko