get help Ms Morgan
Billy "queer Toad" Smith wrote:
Touched a Toad would like to touch Roger's penis with his mouth
No, Toad, you made an ass of yourself again. Poor Toad, his parents
have to pay all his bills.
wrote in message
Billy Smith wrote:
Wiseman doesn't own anything or anyone.
He owns you Toad. BWHAHAHAHAHA!
It's doubtful that he even owns the computer he types this on.
You are typing on his computer, Toad? He built it, stupid, something
you sure couldn't do, pizza BOY flunky.
And, you sure wouldn't be typing on his computer, you little
He lives in a ****ty little house in Glen Dale
And you live in a ****ty little house with a weed infested yard, Toad.
Your lot is 25 by 30 feet.
That his mother Marie gave him. It's so small that it couldn't have cost
any more than maybe 25000 or so.
And you still live with mommy and daddy and they pay all your bills,
Toad. Wrong guess on what it cost, dip****. You obviously can't read.
He used to have a Yaesu 920 which probably
Still does. You can't afford one, Toad. That's why you have to use
second and third hand cheap equipment.
had to be sold off to support his other habits. Not to mention the fact
when you monitor HF you never hear his **** willy signal.
Then how could he have jammed anybody?
He couldn't scrape up the cash to get him a decent amplifier.
He could better than you can, your parents have to pay all your bills.
Even when he was jamming 20 and 75 meters
That was you, Toad, jamming on 20 and 75 meters. You were DFed.
you could hear others constantly
keying over him.
Hey, Toad, why did Riley call you about your ****ty "broadcasts" and
tell you to knock it off?
wrote in message
Billy "owned bitch BOY" Smith wrote:
Yeah Wiseman,
Yeah, **** for brains, Wiseman owns your faggot fat ass.