On Tue, 21 Mar 2006 22:44:20 -0600, "Dr.Death"
wrote in
"Frank Gilliland" wrote in message
.. .
On Tue, 21 Mar 2006 21:44:29 -0500, (I
AmnotGeorgeBush) wrote in
The FCC enforces their laws when there is a
The FCC does not routinely enforce radio laws with a single complaint.
I'll go one step further and say that the FCC enforces radio laws
-only- when it is economically viable. At least that's what their
enforcement history shows upon close examination.
As far as "big amps" are concerned, you can bet that the NSA keeps
tabs on who owns what.
Oh really? And you have proof of that? Then post it. You are full of **** as
usual Frankie boy.
Making judgements without hearing the evidence is called "prejudice".
BTW, I found out you have been responding to my posts.
Oh, the humanity!
You stated last year
that you killfiled me. Was that another lie, or do you crave the attention?
Just playing your ignorance. If you had bothered to check the headers
of my posts you would see that I use Forte Free Agent -- the software
has no killfile. As I have stated several times in the past, I use the
term to communicate the concept that a person's posts are no longer
worth reading. That doesn't mean I won't check them from time to time
and see if the person has taken an IQ pill, and it's clear that you
didn't. But what I -did- see was this:
"He stated, and I quote 'If you cannot get a cell signal you are
unable to talk on 11m with 100 watts.'"
So I replied by asking you to cite your 'quote' but you hid behind
your killfile excuse. I then changed my username to bypass your
killfile and still no response; even when, according to you in the
same thread, "...I have Frank on my killfile list and I still have to
read his bull****." Now I'm sure you can imagine my suprise to your
'recent' discovery that I have replied to your posts...... or is your
imagination as limited as your critical thinking skills?
Since you have unkillfiled me, I have done the same. Let the games (flames)
Ok, let's start with you citing the post where I state, "If you cannot
get a cell signal you are unable to talk on 11m with 100 watts."