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Old March 22nd 06, 11:23 PM posted to,,
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Default WANTED: Museum seeks B-17G Flying Fortress radio/radar equipment

"Bill Turner" wrote in message

**THE-RFI-EMI-GUY** wrote:

So; if they don't fly it, don't keep it airworthy, what if a
hurricane comes along, does it just sit and wait to be ripped to
shreds? More power to them, if they fix it they should fly it. I know
of a collector of fine rare cars, he isn't afraid to send them off
to vintage races or put them on the road. I am also amazed how
collectors rebuild from almost zero remains, so even if it gets
busted up...

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Yes, I know stupid, self-centered people too. What's your point?

Bill, are you looking in the mirror as you post?

Bill, W6WRT