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Old March 23rd 06, 02:52 AM posted to,,
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Default WANTED: Museum seeks B-17G Flying Fortress radio/radar equipment

Bill is 100% correct. He should negotiate and buy the plane from the
restorers for its priceless value, say $50-100 million, he can then
store it and show it to whomever he pleases! That is the American way!

Bill Turner wrote:


Woody wrote:

There's a fine line between being a
keep-the-box-because-it-matters-to-other-boxkeepers packrat, and
preserving history.

Do you get it??

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Absolutely, I get it.

You and the two or three posters who agree with you are self-centered
pigs who care nothing about preserving history. Your temporary
adrenaline rush is much more important, and the risk of splattering a
priceless aircraft means nothing beside your momentary thrills. How sad
that people like you are allowed to own such an aircraft.

A hundred or five hundred years from now, if your ilk prevails, people
will be saying "Gosh, I wish someone had kept a B-17G preserved
somewhere. I would have really loved to see the real thing".

I hope and pray there are not many like you.

Bill T.

Joe Leikhim K4SAT

"Treason doth never prosper: what's the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason."

"Follow The Money" ;-P