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Old March 22nd 06, 10:14 PM posted to,,
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Default WANTED: Museum seeks B-17G Flying Fortress radio/radar equipment

Heh, I'm as real as it gets, brother.
So you do collect boatanchors? Do you also have an attic full of empty radio
boxes? I'm betting you do.
But that's your choice, now isn't it? And nothing wrong with it.

On the power-up thing,
I disagree, citing that it depends on how much power is applied to it.....
Or it could catch fire and burn to the desk... or the ground... or if it
were donated to a B-17 restoration, it could very
well end up splattered all over a hillside somewhere... LOL.

And yes, *I* get it.... enjoy what you have or what's the sense in having
Moth-ball a vintage plane in Tucson, AZ or some museum, and I'll NEVER get
to see it. Fly it to my local fly-in and I do...
[said while gazing up at the photo of my daughter sitting left-seat in the
Texas Raiders 17g when it was HERE at a fly-in.]

Everything is disposable and it certainly doesn't transgress to the 'other

Use it or lose it; 'cuz cars are for driving, radios are for driveling into,
and an aircraft is for flying.

There's a fine line between being a
keep-the-box-because-it-matters-to-other-boxkeepers packrat, and preserving

Do *you* get it??

"Bill Turner" wrote in message

Woody wrote:

Unreal...... Lemme guess, you collect boatanchors, restore them, then
refuse to power them up? Someone once told me ham radio is a
'condition', not a hobby. I'm starting to think he was right. rb

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Get real, rb. If someone powers up a boatanchor, it will never end up
splattered all over a hillside somewhere. Get it?

Bill, W6WRT