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Old March 23rd 06, 01:40 AM posted to
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Default "open your cb"

"Frank Gilliland" wrote in message
On Wed, 22 Mar 2006 15:15:08 -0600, "Dr.Death"
wrote in

"Frank Gilliland" lied in message
As far as "big amps" are concerned, you can bet that the NSA keeps
tabs on who owns what.

Oh really? And you have proof of that? Then post it. You are full of
usual Frankie boy.

Making judgements without hearing the evidence is called "prejudice".

Post the evidence. I won't hold my breath as you do not have it. Your post
does not qualify as evidence,

I never suggested it did.

So post the evidence.

so consider yourself prejudiced.

Based on your previous declaration that I am "full of **** as usual
Frankie boy", I already considered myself to have been 'prejudged' (I
still don't know why so many people can't even look up the word to get
the meaning and usage correct -- almost like the word is from a
foreign language). Regardless, there's not much point in offering
evidence after a judgement has been rendered, is there?

Your using that as an excuse because you have no evidence. If you remember
correctly, you prejudged me last year by stating I was an unemployed
alcoholic based on the times of my post. YOU have prejudged me.

I know for a
fact that the NSA does NOT have records of any amp purchased by me, as I
have never filled out any forms, I pay cash, I use an alias on eBay and
by money order.

The only fact is that you have no idea if the NSA (or any of the other
umpteen secret government agencies) has any information about you or

I'm certain they DO have info on me in certain areas. CB amps are not one of

BTW, I found out you have been responding to my posts.

Oh, the humanity!

You stated last year
that you killfiled me. Was that another lie, or do you crave the

Just playing your ignorance. If you had bothered to check the headers

I'm was not interested in your header, why waste my time.

For the same reason you waste your time replying to my posts: because
you have nothing better to do.

I choose to reply to expose who you truly are, a lying arrogant prick with
no evidence to back up your little theory.

of my posts you would see that I use Forte Free Agent -- the software
has no killfile. As I have stated several times in the past, I use the
term to communicate the concept that a person's posts are no longer
worth reading. That doesn't mean I won't check them from time to time
and see if the person has taken an IQ pill, and it's clear that you
didn't. But what I -did- see was this:

They are obviously worth reading as you responded. Take YOUR IQ pill

Dr. Death, Master of Observation.

Frank Gillinad, Master of Deception.

"He stated, and I quote 'If you cannot get a cell signal you are
unable to talk on 11m with 100 watts.'"

So I replied by asking you to cite your 'quote' but you hid behind
your killfile excuse. I then changed my username to bypass your
killfile and still no response; even when, according to you in the
same thread, "...I have Frank on my killfile list and I still have to
read his bull****."

Because it was quoted in other posts. Try again fool.

Yes, the stupid argument that was cross posted about military service

You need to Google back to the original thread from last year.
YOU try again asswipe.

"Try again fool."

Now I'm sure you can imagine my suprise to your
'recent' discovery that I have replied to your posts...... or is your
imagination as limited as your critical thinking skills?

Your stupidity is only exceded by your lack of imagination.

Flattery will get you nowhere.

Since you have unkillfiled me, I have done the same. Let the games

Ok, let's start with you citing the post where I state, "If you cannot
get a cell signal you are unable to talk on 11m with 100 watts."


You stated that, not me.

No, I didn't.

Google it up. You posted it last year in the same thread that you accused me
of being a drunk.

I only quoted you.

No, you didn't. You paraphrased something I said, completely out of
the context in which it was written, and tried to pass it to the group
as verbatim.

Then Google up the original thread and prove me wrong. You won't because you
know you were talking out your ass.

You also stated that I should
get a 4 watt cell phone,

No, I didn't..... nobody makes 4 watt cell phones. I believe the max
is 3 watts.

Again, Google up the original thread and prove me wrong.

but if I can't receive a signal how is a 4 watt
phone going to help. You also stated I could rent a sat. phone. I have yet
to see any in my area, for rent or sale.

You have to look before you can find. Sat-phone salesmen don't come
knocking on your door, and there's no need to limit your search
criteria to your immediate neighborhood -- the internet is full of
sat-phones for sale or rent.

If I search hard enough I'm sure I can find anything, but you are deviating
from what you originaly posted.

....or were you just making more excuses?

Don't need too, you make enough excuses for the both of us and then some.

32 pill Skull Cracka....swings 7000 watts. $3000 firm.
Stop by to see this and more gear for sale.