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Old March 23rd 06, 12:10 PM posted to,,,
The Old Bloke
Posts: n/a
Default Australian Tropical Cyclone Larry broadcasts

Geez Mate. why so rude?
"gonesailing_gonefishing" wrote in

Kev wrote:

gonesailing_gonefishing wrote:

Ashley VK3HAG wrote:

Thx, good sigs to VK3.

Where do you find this info all the time Stephen?

He finds the good stuff because he clearly is a superior person to you,
ashley boyo and unlike you he doesn't waste time on a ****ty little
website with obsolete and incorrect data.

No No No
that's not right
everyone knows the correct way to find radio stuff is to sit in a
clapped out Torana wasted on wacky weed and then steal everyone elses
web pages, make a pathetic attempt to disguse the fact then copyright it
as their own

Aint that right Ashley


But only if the trarner's back seat is full of cockroach infested mac
scrotum wrappings and don't forget the bottle of JD under the front
seat .