"Keyboard In The Wilderness" wrote in message

One famous DXer -- calls CQ and works several stations -- then when the DX
spotting networks put em on the clusters -- he changes frequencies --
sometime bands -- sometimes modes -- most of the "Lid Pile" won't have a
clue as what to do next. But an experienced DXer will !!
Another famous DXer -- sez -- listening up 10 and really listens up
5kHz -- savvy DXers will catch on to this while the "Lid Pile" shouts
themselves silly at 10 up.
Search and pounce is a good technique. Experienced DXers will know what is
going on and move up a kHz or two and call you.
My IRC's worth -- hi hi
73 From The Wilderness Keyboard
Good idea...may try that. I can't change bands as that means taking down
one antenna and putting up another out the 11th floor window. But,
listening all over the shop could be worth a try. It will cause chaos
around the transmit frequency, but if I can get a few of the "good DX'ers"
in the log, then it will be worth it.
BTW, 30 DXCC and four new ones so far in the CQ 160 CW last night.
73 and thanks for the advice.
Bob 9V1GO