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Old March 23rd 06, 05:26 PM posted to,
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Default steve lying about rape nd mental illness

On 23 Mar 2006 01:15:30 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:

On 26 Oct 2005 11:26:11 -0700, "K4YZ" wrote:
On 26 Oct 2005 05:16:02 -0700, wrote:
an_old_fiend wrote:
On 25 Oct 2005 11:41:01 -0700,

I'm sure you do, fatty.

you know talking to oneself is generaly seen as a sign of mental
illness Mr Slit

Projecting your own mental illness, Marky? You were locked up for it.

more lies Mr Slit

Yes, from *you*, Ms. ####.

no the lies are yours never been locked up for mental illness indeed
never been mental ill

Yes, you have.

I have never been locked up so Mr Slit stated a lie and you have tried
to repeat it

It's no lie.

no I have not nor have I ever been confined

You've admitted to your mental health confinement before.

nope I have admtted to seeing a physch

Or was that just ANOTHER of YOUR lies, Mork?

According to YOUR own words, you've been treated
for emotional instability.

I was treated yes after being raped by number of socalled stright men
it was an experence not to be faced without assitance



yes you have the records

It was you that faked being from a nonexistant clinic in Winchester TN
and used a forged docement to obtian thos erecord

that is why you go on rwith "raped an old friend" knowing just how
ofensive it is

The only circumstances wherein I could see a creep like you being
raped by other men is if YOU were confined and they believed you to be
a child molester yourself.

lying again
I've seen you before...That is DEFINATELY
the face that only a mother, gold digger, or green card seeking non-US
citizen could "love"...Oh..and the blind...They can pretend you look
like Frank Sinatra if they want to...Everyone else's imagination is
spoiled by reality.

it the attitudes of people like you that give the mental health field
such a bad name's failed cases like YOU that give the mental health field
a bad name.

what failure?

you should try getting your facts from a better source than Stevie

I wasn't the source.

No I wasn't since I have never said anything of the sort only you have

I think that was a sentence, but I am still working on figuring it

lying again steve

Steve, K4YZ

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