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Old March 23rd 06, 09:53 PM posted to,,,
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Default Australian Tropical Cyclone Larry broadcasts

Pippa Reeves wrote:
On Thu, 23 Mar 2006 11:20:41 +0000, Mick wrote:

"The Old Bloke" wrote in message

Geez Mate. why so rude?

It's a long, long, long story (been going on and off for a few years now). Suggest if
you have a bit of time do a google search for Ashley and see what it gives you.

I have to agree with the sentiments expressed by 'The Old Bloke', Why
are you being so rude to Ashley?

I did the Google search thing.... all it has told me is that Ashley seems
to have spent many hours collating information on scanning, and writing
pages that are on Scan Australia. Oh, and he has also put a message or two
up on a Melbourne Music discussion board looking for a couple of people to
play live music with.

I see nothing wrong with any of these activities.

So the suggestion that a Google search was going to reveal the old bones
that are possibly hiding in Ashley's closet comes to nothing!

And finally a message to Ashley,
Keep enjoying your hobbies! Don't let these people that like throwing
stones get to you.


Ashley's idea of Researching Freqs is to copy direct someone elses web
page, change a few things in an attept to make it look different and
then copyright it as his own work, then claim that he was driving all
over the country in a clapped out Genewhine SLR Torana, smoking weed and
drinking burbon while scanning for all the freqs he had on his web page

most of the info was so grossly out of date or completely wrong
He then came into and claimed that his web page was
Australia best because he started the counter at 50,000 visitors
and even asked for comments about the site
when people started to indicate the errors on the page, what was Asley's
response, to attack everyone who pointed to any errors on his page
claiming that his info was the most accurate of all and we didn't know
anything about scanning etc...

Ashley is a ****wit of the highest order

if you have a good look at the google search you should still find his
ramblings, it's quite funny some of it

The "Stealing Free Foxtel" is a real Gem
