TNC- PC or box?
Hi Jim
I started with one of the oldish 1200/300 BPS TNCs maybe 10 years ago.
This was when PC's didnt really have the grunt to do DSP on incoming
sound card signals.
Nowadays I use the sound card DSP systems for any kind of digital mode.
This gives you greatest flexibility to run all kinds of systems and
modes from packet to PSK31. I dont however know if APRS will run on top
of (say) Tom Sailor's soundmodem engine for Windows. I am pretty sure it
does on Linux though.
Obviously a TNC for mobile use will have a smaller footprint in the car.
I assume for APRS one changes/reprograms the EEPROM or has one with the
purpose built code extensions. Or setup a portable computer as well.. (I
mean you need a GPS box too)
Sorry I have not played with APRS as such.
Cheers Bob VK2YQA
jimg wrote:
Brand new to ham and, even more so, packet. APRS looks too cool. What
to buy? Which TNC would last from initial fumbling to mobile APRS. Or
is that a stupid expectation? Then just tell me about your packet/APRS
system congfig please?
Tnx and 73,
jim ad7hv