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Old February 14th 04, 05:06 AM
Jim, W5RYA
Posts: n/a

Hi John,
Welcome back to HF. I have been using wire dipoles fed with ladder line
for bands 160 through 10 meters for the past 5 years with very good success.
I have over 200 countries on CW and (because I do not use SSB very much)
only 65 countries on SSB. The maximum power I have used has been 100w.

As for the microphone, most rigs come with a mobile style microphone.
There are microphone switch systems available, but I have never used one.
Most rigs now come with built in audio compressors and I would recommend you
use the one built into the rig.

For logging, I use TR Log for contests and EasyLog for general logging.
The new EasyLog Ver 5 includes a contesting mode and both voice and cw
keyers. It tracks 5 different awards automatically and comes with software
to manually track 109 additional awards. You can view the two products and
their features at and


Jim Sims, W5RYA

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. - Albert
"John Woodstock" wrote in message
It's been a long time since I've been on HF.. Been a ham since the
late 70's..

As I look at all the gear out there, it seems tough to get this all
put together.. I think I'll be mixing phone and CW. I think I'll be
doing a bit of rag chewing and I'd like to try out contesting..

Here is what I know.. For Antennas, I'll be using dipoles. Can't sell
the XYL on a tower.

Mike - I'd like to have one mike for what will end up being a few
radios (1 or 2 VHF/UHF and 1 or 2 HF rigs). Some sort of Mike Switch
seems in order. With or without a processor? Which brands are the

Logging - The PC in the shack is not fast, but has XP on it.. I also
have a laptop with Linux if that is better.. It seems the loggers are
either general in nature or specific to contesting.. Would also love
to have the rigs feed the logging program, it appears to be available.
Some also appear to be a keyboard CW keyer. Any thoughts on which
programs are the best?

Voice & CW keyers - If the logging program doesn't key, which are the
best voice and CW keyers are out there.. Would like to use them for
the standard things we repeat a million times. Who makes the best
units out there?

Appreciate the feedback..


John Woodstock