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Old March 26th 06, 05:12 AM posted to
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Default "Baffling regulations"

In the April iss issue of QST, David Sumner K1ZZ editorializes the new
public relations campaign "hello..."

In the eighth paragraph, he mentions "baffling regulations."

Merriam-Webster on-line has this to say about baffle:
One entry found for baffle.

Main Entry: 1baf·fle
Pronunciation: 'ba-f&l
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): baf·fled; baf·fling /-f(&-)li[ng]/
Etymology: probably alteration of Middle English (Sc) bawchillen to
denounce, discredit publicly
1 : to defeat or check (as a person) by confusing or puzzling :
2 : to check or break the force or flow of by or as if by a baffle
synonym see FRUSTRATE
- baf·fle·ment /-f&l-m&nt/ noun
- baf·fler /-f(&-)l&r/ noun
- baf·fling·ly /'ba-fli[ng]-lE/ adverb

I've often commented on the need for our regulations to make sense.
They need to be vertically and horizontally consistent. They need not
be arbitrary. They need not baffle.

Yet I've been attacked again and again and again by the Extra-Elite of
RRAP wrt this topic.

Now David Sumner, speaking for the ARRL in the pages of QST validates
what I've said and have been attacked for.

Thanks you Extras. I'm sure your hearts were in the right place.