Thread: Oops!
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Old March 27th 06, 05:28 AM posted to
Scott in Baltimore
Posts: n/a
Default Oops!

good luck but realistcaly whats going to become of it?
another $11k fine? pin the f ers coax.

How do you pin an HT?

Hey Scott, does the repeater require tone?

I wish. It's one of the last that doesn't have one in this town.
T-marc will require one in the next few years. I've suggested to
use the same one used by all the other repeaters in Baltimore, 107.2,
that way all the OT's with old radios with tone boards should already
be preset for it.

It's quite obvious it's someone doing it. You can hear a quick
one, then another quick one, then one long enough to activate
a courtesy tone. They do it, then wait 10 minutes for it to
ID, then do it again, for an hour at a time. I just have to
wait for the old timer's net in the morning. He will then
throw carriers and play music and mumble. A few beam headings
will put me in the neighborhood...

I'd at least like a tone on the output so I don't have to crank my
squelch/RF gain all the way up. The PC noise in this room is terrible.
A tone on the 440 input will stop the squelch tails everytime we have
cloudy/stormy weather to the south of us. I've got over 27 years of
radio under my belt. I can tell what's going on. The 25 years on CB
give me that mental edge over the lusers. I already know their game!