mixer: DBM or dual gate mosfet?
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March 28th 06, 02:10 AM posted to
Dan Andersson
Posts: n/a
mixer: DBM or dual gate mosfet?
I'm building my first reciver. I can't choose what kind of mixers
should I use. I have read that diode ring mixers are far superior
compared to dual gate mosfet mixers.
Is this true for both - first (RF / VFO) and second (IF / BFO) stages?
Or is there any real difference at all?
There are a lot of historical chips and solutions around on the market and
in the litterature. I use the Analog Devices AD8343 mixer, good for DC to
2.5GHz and with a IP3 of 16.5 dBm.
The 602 is now replaced with the 612 but is still an old design.
If you design your mixer ( /doubler ) with AD8343 and use proper RF
transformers from CoilCraft, it just cannot go wrong... ( well, Murphy et
al of course... )
Da / M0DFI
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