Heterodyne Mixer for FFT Spectrum Analyzer
I have a PC-based oscilloscope/spectrum analyzer that covers up to 16
MFz. I can see the second harmonic of a 40 meter signal, but that's
about the maximum extent of its utility. I recently came across an
idea where a set of local oscillators and a mixer could be used to
extend the range, with the 0 to 16 MHz input of the FFT SA being the
IF, essentially. I can't recall where I saw that, unfortunately.
I figure I could use 4 or 5 LOs in a shielded compartment, outputs
matched for gains, and switch them into the mixer to produce frequency
ranges in 16 MHz increments. I have some wideband MAR-8 MMICs that I
could use (attenuated) for the RF to make up for the Mixer loss; i.e.,
deliver the same signal level I currently get at 50 ohms with 0 to 16
MHz signals.
Anyone have any suggestions on this idea? The unit I have is pretty
neat, being able to store the o-scope and SA plots digitally, with
positionable cursors for readouts of points on the waveforms.