More Markie Mularkie
nobodys_old_friend wrote:
dealing honestly with the state of the of ARS is the proper funtion of
this NG
What's the "stae"...?!?! If you meant "state", perhaps it is, but
what do YOU know of it?
More than you, QUITE obviously!
Please, Morkie, show me ALL of YOUR recently published comments in
Amateur Radio journals...?!?! I can count at least four of mine in the
last 4 months addressing REAL Amateur Radio issues...Not the
tit-for-tat that transpires here.
again steve how my sexaul orientation a proper subject for this NG
Again, Morkie, why do YOU complain about others discussing sexual
issues yet you bring it into almost EVERY thread you post in!
You're a sexual deviate and everyone here knows it...The ONLY one
who won't let anyone forget you're a deviate is YOU!
So far, your "knowledge" of the state of
Amateur Radio has been trying to weasel out of the Code test for
you can't even get that right steve I want it gone for extra too
So you're a DOUBLE weasel. My bust.
but taking a postion on code testing does not limit my kowledge of the
I could care less about your "position" on the Code issue. And
your "kowledge" on almost all Amateur Radio related discussions has
been proven, BY YOU, to be zilch-point-squat.
The REST of your comments about Amateur Radio have been so
assinine, ignorant, poorly expressed and just so plain stupid as to
make one wonder how you get through your day without drowning in a
glass of water.
I know the demographics can't be seen as favorable (I think they are
down right bad )
What demographics?
Show me some verifyable numbers. What's your sample pool?
I knwo we are laughed in some cricles for still using Morse Code let
alone testing for it
By whom?
Certainly not any of the federal agencies that have been lauding
us in the Federal Register lately.
Certainly not by the American Red Cross, Salvation Army, etc etc
The onlyn ones "laughing" are those standing on the outside
looking in!
I know the FCC just said we were no more important to Homelannd
security than Taxi drivers
How's that?
And what do YOU know about "Homelannd security"...???
WHY should they take Amateur Radio into this new agency? How
would we be of any greater service under this different umbrella?
Here's MY point of view: There's already ENOUGH bureaucratic crap
for them to worry about in organizing "homeland defense" without having
to administer the Amateur Service.
We have already PROVEN that when the malodorous human solid waste
strikes the electrically operated air circulating device in an
agrevious manner, we can respond, and respond in style.
"Homeland defense" wasn't even a topic of conversation on
September 10th, 2001, yet on September 11th Amateur Radio stepped up
and carried itself with style and professionalism for WEEKS after the
attacks. So said FEMA, the NY OEM, the Govermor of the State of New
York, and countless others.
We were doing it for DECADES before Spetember 11th 2001, and we've
been doing it consistently since. The kudos since Katrina/Rita prove.
Steve, K4YZ