Stevie thinks STD are spread over the internet?
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April 1st 06, 05:10 PM posted to
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More Markie Mualrkie
rom stevie
I don't "deserve" my nursing license because I would be concerend
about getting an STD from an openly gay, admittedly deviant idiot who
thinks teaching kids to lie is acceptable...?!?!?
Stevie claims he wants no contact with me (but why then he contiue to
send me threatening email?)
Why do you continue to re-cycle this misquoted snippet into yet
another bandwidth wasting thread that clearly demonstrates your
illness, Morkie?
but claims to faer contracting an STD from me
First I don't have one but that is beside the point
Sure you do.
two he has to have contact with me to get one if I did
Your wife wouldn't allow it...He'd get jealous.
Steve, K4YZ
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