0000-0200 Radio Timtron Worldwide, Pashto/Urdu Edition
- Using GOOGLE Translates real time feature , shunting the output into
Hypersound speaker system..
Beaming it at SUV's going down the street playing RAP
- three crashed so far..
- Getting ugly out there..
dxAce wrote:
For immediate release, April 1, 2006 http://www.wbcq.com/
Monticello, Maine -- WBCQ is pleased to announce The Timtron Network,
a new 24 hour shortwave service for our listeners worldwide. Starting
on Monday, April 3, WBCQ will commence programming on our two new 250
kilowatt transmitters for listeners in North America, South America,
Europe, and the Mediterranean. The Timtron Network features the
following programming:
0000-0200 Radio Timtron Worldwide, Pashto/Urdu Edition
0200-0330 Dr. Becker's Magic Mushrooms
0330-0415 Southern Kansas Farm Report & Rock'n'Roll Show
0415-0600 Duckpin Bowling Tournament Coverage
0600-0700 Radio Timtron Worldwide, Portuguese Edition
0700-0830 Subgenius Ministry, with Rev. Susie the Floozy
0830-0945 Radio Morania External Service
0945-1100 Icelandic Fishing Show, with Dr. Ástþór Ágústsson
1100-1230 SWL 101, with Dr. Smilkstein
1230-1330 Cadaverlac Corner, Tips & Tricks for Mobile HF
1330-1600 Rag Chewing Radio Show, with Old Buzzard Hyram
1600-1800 Radio Timtron Worldwide, Pig Latin Edition
1800-2200 Slop Bucket Theatre (broadcast in upper side band)
2200-2300 Slow Scan Television Theatre
2300-0000 Vindaloo Cooking Corner, with Alice the Cat
The Timtron Network will broadcast on the following frequencies and
times (all times UTC):
0000-0600 6900, 3295
0600-1200 15060, 6080
1200-1800 13555, 11660
1800-0000 21735, 6925
Our new 500 kilowatt longwave service on 179 KHz will simulcast The
Timtron Network starting on April 15.
WBCQ welcomes listener feedback and will issue QSL cards for verified
reception reports. Thanks for your interest, and we look forward to
hearing from you! (via John Norfolk, dxldyg via DXLD)