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Old March 14th 04, 09:53 AM
Zoran Brlecic
Posts: n/a

Peter Dougherty wrote:

I respectfully disagree with that entire premise. There are many
DXpeditions I've worked whose operations have been terrible.

You're making some huge assumptions in your posts:

That every dx-pedition's goal is to work everyone on Earth who calls
them and even those who don't.

That in order to mount a dx-ped, all the ops must be top notch dx-ers,
must speak English with a Brooklyn accent and must be familiar with the
FCC approved US band plan (the so-called "target areas" you called it).

That in order to "give a new one to as many hams as possible", the
operation must be able to provide S9+ signal into all areas of the World
by using the most sophisticated antenna systems and amps available.

That your perusing the DX Cluster and subsequent calling of the DX-ped,
whether successful or not, counts as "investing substantial time and
effort" and that anyone should care about that.

That anyone should give a rat's ass about anyone else's frustrations
about not being able to take a "crack" at the dx-ped.

There are two phenomena that drastically changed dxing for the worse.
One is the worst thing that ever happened to ham radio, the DX Cluster
which just about killed off the art of chasing dx and turned it into a
McDX Happy Meal where any idiot with basic reading skills is able to
join the bloody fray at the touch of a button. The other is the
inevitable robot style "you're 59, QRZ?" type of operation that has
become the norm nowadays (spot me on the Cluster, gov'ner, 59, eh, nudge
nudge, wink wink, say no more, say no more?) due to the realization that
money can be made on thousands of QSLs - it's the economy, stupid.

So now that dxing has been dumbed down, you're arguing for the game to
be watered down even further by insisting on nothing but English
speaking operators with years of dxing experience and operating skills
and with unlimited resources, so that a given dx-ped can be worked at
will by everyone on every band, in every mode with nothing less than an
S9+ signal???

You want fries with that?

73 ... WA7AA


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