From QST April 1965 page 68 -
"4U1ITU has been on the air since June 10, 1962"
"At noon, Greenwich, on June 10, 1962, 4U1ITU went on the air for the first
Bernie, W3UR
"Thierry" To answer me in private use wrote in message
Can someone tell me :
When 4U1ITU began his operations ? I have a date at mid '70s but nothing
more accurate
The exact location of the shack. I have a building built in 1961, 5th
nothing more accurate
The kind of antennas that they used, and today (there was HF and stacked
VHF) but no more info
The kind of RTX used
The modes used : they wanted to be active all bands all modes, but in
practice I see only QSOs on HF, 5 and 2m, in CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31.
If you have any additional information, it is welcome.
NB. the few QSL mgr contacted up to now, haven't answered to my email yet.
Thanks in advance
Thierry, ON4SKY
Last update : the history of amateur radio (16p)