March 17th 04, 07:41 AM
wtf......this guy reminds me of the old guy on the comedy sketches, who
had his pants puled up to his armpits.
this guy has a pocket protector collection.
heh, heh
Thierry wrote:
Hi-San !,
"Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo" so called Sony in 1955, sold at that time a new
transistor, competitor to the first TR-1 fromTexas Instrument that entered
the US and European markets and did a real revolution.
For marketing reasons, M.Ibuka and his partner Akio Morita changed its name
in "Sony". A young, dynamic and very agressive company was born. You know
the rest of the story.
For your information, in 2004 revenues (ttm) of Sony Corp., SNE,
http://finance.yahoo.com/q/ks?s=SNE, reached approx. $70 billions for a
gross profit of $20 billions, his annual earning growth exceeded 735%, with
16% of his shares held by institutions and insiders, not a small company...
Not only Sony became a major company represented worldwide including to the
small dealer located down to your street, but he has extended his know-how
in all personal and domestic activities : computing, imaging, audio, video,
television, wireless network, robotic, and more. As they say themselves,
welcome to the world of Sony, http://www.sony.com !
Since that time, within two generations Japan became in spite of everything
one of the major Powers in the world. Today in all technical areas, from the
underground railway to the spacecraft, the efficiency and reliability of
japanese and alike components exceed by far the quality of any European or
US product. Look around you : the most reliable cars are japanese or korean
(5 first, even before Germans), the best transceivers are japanese too, and
in all your home, if you look closely, most of your equipements are made in
Japan or their vital components (chips, etc) are made in the country of the
rising sun.
The small country who so-called lost face is winning the economical war.
Today however the sunny horizon of our friends-San displays some dark
clouds, http://www.dallasfed.org/research/sw.../swe0304c.html, they have
a lot of excellent competitors in JA, VK, UK, F, K, etc but they haven't
loose their place yet, they are winners.
Thierry, ON4SKY
"willy wonka" wrote in message