Sincerity Or April Fool's, Mark?
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an old freind wrote:
I am sorry I led about my rank when you post wha I saw as a threat to
kill those years ago, loooking back I do wish I had choosen a defferent
response than that
I n short I apologize to any and all that Might have been offened
there you happy
Let's hope you're being sincere, Mark.
I am leaning towards sincerity, but the date of issue lends itself
to question.
what is not to be sinire about? Isaid the same on other occasion
What's not to be sincere about...?!?!
You posted your "apology" on April Fool's Day, Mark.
now when do you apologize steve
OK Mark, I am sorry that I doubted your sincerity.
Steve, K4YZ