On Wed, 24 Mar 2004 22:29:58 +0100, "Thierry" To answer me in private
use http://www.astrosurf.com/lombry/post.htm wrote:
|As I wrote a "short" history of the amateur radio, here is something that
|could insitate you to work on EME...
|Dave Blaschke, W5UN, sent me his last DXCC that he received some years ago :
|DXCC on 2m and EME
Dave had a terrific signal on EME.
I worked Dave on CW many times. Once signals were really strong (for
EME) and he sent "SSB". We moved up the band and I made my first and
only 2-way SSB QSO off the moon.
Another time I was hearing him on his setting moon (he in TX me in AZ)
when I also heard another station very near his frequency. I
wondered who this could be so I tuned off a bit and heard W5UN. I was
hearing him off the moon and on back scatter at the same time. With
the Doppler and 2+ second time delay it sounded like two different