More On Markie
an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an old freind wrote:
I am sorry I led about my rank when you post wha I saw as a threat to
that again, but in English, Mark.
now when do you apologize steve
OK Mark, I am sorry that I doubted your sincerity.
and you have to state you will apologze for the restof your lies too
I've never agreed to "apologze for the restof (my) lies", Mark,
since there's nothing to apologize for.
yes you did liar
No, I did not.
To have agreed to have "apologze for the restof (my) lies" I would
have had to acknowledge that there were lies.
I never have, I never wil
more welching
Nope. SO FAR you have NOT done what was asked of you.
But I'll keep an eye on the mailbox for snail mail from Chassell.
Steve, K4YZ