BWA HAHAHAHA! Todd orders 20 Daleks
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April 5th 06, 03:19 PM posted to,
[email protected]
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Marky defends a fellow homosexual Lloyd Davies
Billy "can't afford a house" Smith wrote:
On 27 Mar 2006 04:40:52 -0800,
LARDASS Lloyd wrote:
On 27 Mar 2006 06:07:04 +0800, an_old_friend wrote:
He wants to get his antenna up higher, so he ordered dalek kits! He
believes in them and thinks that the assembled daleks will do his
work for him. BWA HAHAHAHAHAHA!!
I just don't understand. Why is that so funny? Daleks can be very
helpful around the house.
What house, fatty? All you have is a filthy HUD section 8 apartment in
the ghettos of Athens, AL.
get help
Sticking up for a fellow homosexual, Marky?
Wogers house is one that Marie bought.
And Billy can't even afford a house, he has to live with all the rest
of the white trash in that filthy HUD apartment complex. BWHAHAHAHAHA!
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