Jim Hampton wrote:
Hello Scott
I'll top-post for this one. It will happen again next month in the sane
parts of this world.
The United States is backwards in that it lists month/day/year ..... most
intelligent folks use a progressive system (from least significant to most),
as in day/month/year.
Most of the world will see what you have been expounding upon next month.
On the 4th of May, to be precise. They will see the same set of figures ...
You can probably change your operating system's time display so it will
display day/month/year and you can watch it all over next month
So the 100 or 1000 years will occur next month LOL.
Of course, this could be a left-wing conspiracy and I'm sure that George W
will protect us all spit
My boss had a death in her family. She and her husband made a wrong turn
and ended up in Canada. When they tried to cross back, they were stopped
and searched. No one believed their story. Wrong turn? 45 minute delay
while everything was checked. Hmmm ... boarder security. Sounds like the
Berlin Wall. To keep folks out ... or ... ???
You may now return to your regularly scheduled DX 
73 from Rochester, NY
"Scott in Baltimore" wrote in message
. ..
On Wednesday of THIS week, at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 in
the morning, the time
and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06.
That won't ever happen again.
You may now return to your (normal ?) life. Isn't that amazing?
Good point Jim concerning most of the rest of the world using a
different month/day/year format. I send my weekly reports to Europe and
have to remember that. Gets interesting when I save it to the LAN in the
U.S. format when its sent the other way around. Another pain is using
GMT for reports and having to remember daylight savings time changes.
73, Jim on the island.