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Old April 6th 04, 03:24 AM
Peter Dougherty
Posts: n/a

"Drink" said :

I'm interested in using a logbook program but there are so many, I don't
know where to start. I already have/plan to use some DXSoft software and
would like it to be compatible. What are some of the better programs


Better is, of course, a very subjective term. I suppose it's all
dependant on what you want versus how much you're prepared to pay for
it. I've written somewhat extensively on this topic in the past and a
Google search should turn up the posts, but I'll condense it to a few
paragraphs, below.

I consider myself a sophisticated software user and I make very strong
demands on application I put on my hard drive. I've tried dozens of
logging applications, and I've settled on two. I have one
fully-featured DX logger that handles everything except contesting,
and one very powerful contest-only logger.

For General DX, I use DX Base.

* The most powerful amateur radio DX logging app there is.
* Seamless integration of cluster spots (VHF and Internet).
* Full QSL management,labels, cards printed from app.
* Can control two radios and two rotors, if necessary.
* Good Windows "Look and Feel"
* Integration with DX Atlas/IonoProbe for good DX plotting
* Logbook Of The World support
* Support for the GO List internal
* Excellent reports and good data manipulation.

* $99 to buy first-time, then $35 a year for new editions.
* Pain to install new/update (requires re-setting everything manually)
* Steep learning curve (after 3 years I still find new features).
* CW sending from keyboard problematic; no rigBlaster support.
* Re-arranging column orders a nightmare
* No data-entry window; must enter data to the logbook itself.
* No regular updates throughout the year.
* No support for popular MMTTY, MMSSTV or WinPSKse apps
* Some problems reading splits from the radio

The pros definitely outweigh the cons by a huge margin, but there are
indeed cons that have driven me nuts since I migrated to this app in
2002. Fair to say it sucks far less than anything else I tried. A new
version should be forthcoming in a few weeks which HOPEFULLY will
address some of these. The program is very robust and does most of
what I want.

As a runner up, I would suggest Logger32. It's also extremely powerful
and looks good too. I don't like its interface as much as DX Base, nor
does it handle advanced data searches and QSL labels (if it does, I
haven't found those features yet). It also supports more radio models
than DX Base does. Oh, did I mention, it's FREE?

For contesting, I've settled on N1MM Logger. Very powerful, very
robust and full-featured. It supports every major contest and is
phenomenally intuitive to use right off the bat. Once you get the hang
of it, you can also delve MUCH deeper and use some absolutely amazing
features. I'm betting there's a lot of stuff I still haven't
discovered about it yet (as I only really do 3 contests a year).
You'll find updates posted to their site every few days and it's
completely free! It supports multi-multi networked logging, and can
even be used for limited purposes as a general DX logger or as a
DXpedition logger.

I've been told that Writelog is the de facto standard for contest
loggers used by most of the big powerhouse contest stations, however.
I don't know - I've never used it and I would hate to part with N1MM
for a $75 application that would probably work just as well as N1MM.
Maybe someday I'll give Writelog a shot during a major 'test and see
how it performs.

IN short, if you're more concerned about price, then there are plenty
of good free loggers out there that are worth looking at, none more
powerful that I've found than those mentioned above. If you'd rather
have "simple" loggers, then I don't know what to suggest - I gave up
"simple" 3 years ago (though AA Log was pretty nice).

Good luck and have fun!

73 de Peter, W2IRT
(ex-AB2NZ, VE3THX)

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