Rick Mintz wrote:
I am building an amp and will be using a clear plastic over the front panel
I could use some help in choosing the material, such as Plexi or Lexan.
Since I will be drilling couple of 2" holes to mount panel meters, I need
some suggestions for which material is the best to work with. A hole saw in
Plexi is prone to crack and maybe there is a better choice. There also may
be a better method for creating the holes than a standard hole saw.
de Rick W1TY
In my experience...Lexan is much less prone to cracking but on the other
hand it seems like the surface of Lexan scratches much easier than
Plexiglass. A wipe with a dry cloth or paper towel will leave a 'smudge
If you're gonna use a fairly thin plastic, say 1/8th, I think you'd be
ok with plexi and thats what I would use personally because of that
reason primarily. Some of the cheapo hole cutters can be rather crude
to work with but if you take it slow you should be ok.