DE1103 ssb & bfo?
I am going to buy a Degen or Kaito 1103. I just bought the DE1107
which is an analog radio which looks like the 1103. I gave to Niece
for being such a nice kid and studying hard. I played with it before
I gave it to her and I really liked mobile SWL. I don't know why I
would buy a Kaito tho cause I think they are a lot more money than a
Degen from Lipyn.
Mister seeing eye dog - I don't care about resale and will give radio
to another of the kids in the family and then maybe upgrade. I will
take your advice for nice Sony portable from other thread and consider.
So what is up with the tuning steps and the fine tune. Is cw just tune
to side of the carrier and is there a real ssb mode or BFO? Radiointel
review wasn't clear (to me) on exactly what wqas going on. I like to
listen to both SSB and CW so I need to be able to dial in nice.