ECG736 or NTE736
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April 8th 06, 06:46 AM posted to
Michael A. Terrell
Posts: n/a
ECG736 or NTE736
Fred McKenzie wrote:
In article .com,
I been searching the net for the specification on the ECG/NTE 736 which
is an FM gain block 8-pin dip.
I have an old ECG catalog which gives me the pin out, I have tried the
NTE website which does not have a downloadable spec sheet.
If you have a spec sheet, would like to get a copy.
If you don't find one, I suggest you "reverse look up" the original part
number. (Could it be a Fairchild uA736? A National Semiconductor LM736?)
In other words, you may have better luck finding a data sheet for the
original manufacturer's part, and trusting that the ECG/NTE part meets the
same specs.
73, Fred, K4DII
ECG published a set of three databooks about 20 years ago that
covered their current product line. My set disappeared about 15 years
ago. You might want to keep an eye out for a set of them.
Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.
Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
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