Thread: ZS8MI
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Old April 16th 04, 04:13 AM
John Passaneau
Posts: n/a

"Win" wrote in message
On Thu, 15 Apr 2004 16:39:08 GMT, Doug Smith W9WI

Win wrote:
I am not to the point where I worry much about multiple bands. I still
have plenty to work all bands. I did work the T33 twice, though. He
was on 10 meters towards the last and getting not gettign much
activity. I couldnt resist.


I'm within "shooting distance" of 5BDXCC - just need a few more QSLs on
80m - so I've been watching the expeditions for 80m activity. Been
messing around with RTTY too.

I am going tol just stick to my play for a while. I get up early and
check the spots that are working Europe and then try to figure out
where they will be when the band opens here. Another part of that plan
is to fish a lot, HI.

grin! (but really that's important. At least twice, I found T33C
before anybody spotted him. They're a lot easier to work that way!
Many years back, there was a well-publicized expedition to Clipperton.
One day on 10m, everybody & their brother was on the announced
Clipperton frequency trying to work the FO0. I decided to go tuning,
and found midway between the FO0's transmit and receive frequencies...

a TI9, CQing his head off without any answers. Worked on first call.)

thought he was. TT is who I have been looking for. Now that I am
retired I will have more time to look.

Didn't know there was a TT on. (wouldn't doubt it!) Will have to look.

Where can I get the Monitor Times?

Many newsstands carry it, or . I write "American

Bandscan", about domestic AM/FM/TV broadcasts.

I'll pick up a copy fo The Monitor next time I am in town.

I don't think there is a TT active. I still need a YA and YI. Those
two should not be a problem this summer. I heard a YI the other day,
but had to meet a commitment. Have seen YAs on some of the old spots.

Caught one bass all morning. Back to radio.....


There was TT8PK on this last weekend. I worked him on a 2 bands. I'm sorry
to hear the ZS8 is gone as I never heard him at all.

John Passaneau W3JXP
State College, Pa