RRAM and RRAP: Now exclusively serving the mentally ill
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April 9th 06, 07:50 PM posted to alt.test,,
an old freind
Posts: n/a
get help
Lardass Davies aka Christy D wrote:
The rest of you will have to keep on moving along. These two news
groups now belong to madmen like Mark Morgan and Roger Wiseman, who
are busy dancing around each other and maniacally calling each other
If you want informative discussion of amateur radio, go to the web
forums of places like
Hey, Lardass, it's too bad those tornados that ripped through your area
didn't tear off the roof of your filthy HUD apartment and throw debris
around at over 100 m.p.h.while you were IN your apartment.
too stupid to see he is being called mental ill
get help you need it everybody sees but you
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