Good morning Dan,
Welcome to Ham radio. I notice that you have a Technician License and
the pretty much restricts you to ten meters for HF.
The HTX-10 is a fairly good radio and it sounds like you do have it
hooked up moderately well.
As mentioned in another response at this point in the sunspot cycle ten
meter propagation is poor and becoming poorer for the next few years. It
will POP open on some occasions and really give you a surprise. I have
97 countries on 10 meters with 15 watts in a mobile [it was done during
my college days a long time ago].
The 10 meter band will start to improve in about 2 to 3 years and in the
late 2000's to 2011 it will be wide open world wide 24 hours a day and
low power stations can and will work the world.
Have you considered upgrading to General? It will give many more HF
options and much much more fun.
Deacon Dave, W1MCE
for 50 years :-)
Dan wrote:
I have had my htx-10 for a few days now and have not heard anything.
No CW, no beacons, nothing.
Can anyone offer any suggestions?