I've always had this feeling.
Michael Lawson wrote:
Just curious; where were your Sangean's made?
My old DX-440 was made in Taiwan, and it's
still going after 17 years.
Man, I can't believe I've had it that long.
I think the problems started once Sangean switched manufacturing to the
Chinese mainland. Sangean is a Taiwan company, and due to the bitter
relations between the CCP and the socalled "renegade province" Chinese
companies are out to screw over any Taiwanese who invest in China. It
wouldn't surprise me if the Chinese subcontractor DELIBERATELY builds
the Sangean radios poorly, on Party orders, so that Sangean and by
extension Taiwan looks bad. Note that Sangean doesn't put "Made in
China" on any of their radios because of the China-Taiwan bad blood. If
you have to buy Chinese, buy a radio that doesn't come with 60 years of
added baggage, such as Tecsun or Degen.
--Mike L.
"Joe Analssandrini" wrote in message
Dear "Slow Code,"
You wrote:
That C Crane radios are probably sh***y. Anybody here ever buy
Yes, I did. I bought it for my wife so she could listen to TV audio
when she was outside gardening and I thought I would also be able to
use it for MW DXing.
Well, she uses it for TV audio, but I don't use it at all. It's very
poorly constructed and we've found that often, if you use one of the
"memory" buttons, the alarm will be set even when you don't want it
be. And, unless you look carefully, you won't see this. Plus the
buttons as such don't work particularly well. (We've set the alarm
sound at 9:00 AM so it will no longer wake us unnecessarily!)
Our CC Radio is about three years old and we have not had the
(yet) of the LCD display malfunctioning, but the radio is a big
disappointment to me. I was hoping for a "digital" radio equivalent
the GE Superadio for MW but this is not it. (For MW DXing outdoors,
Sony ICF-SW7600GR runs rings around the CC Radio and the GE
[versions I, II, and III] also.)
As for the sound quality on FM, well, to be charitable, it leaves
something to be desired.
Sangean's construction quality makes the Grundig Satellit 800's look
I have had three Sangean radios over the years: this one, the CC
an ATS-808A which "bit the dust" after only three years (it is now
resident in our local landfill), and an ATS-606AP in which the
is starting to "go." (I have packed that one up in its box and put
in the basement.)
Three strikes and out. I will not buy nor will I recommend anyone
buying any Sangean radio.
I will say that the C. Crane Company itself is a fine company with
which to deal. It's too bad that they allow Sangean to put their
on some of Sangean's radios. This detracts from C. Crane's good name
and that's a shame.