"Robert11" wrote in message
. ..
Just started to string up the new listening only antenna I purchased from
As there is a Balun between the start of the wire antenna, and the coax
feeding the receiver, a ground bar is apparently required.
Am using the typical eight foot long,5/8" diameter Cu plated steel that I
guess is fairly typical for house AC power grounding.
Querstion: At my age, it's a bit of a problem pounding in the six or
feet that is commonly mentioned as the "required" length. Certainly, the
more the better, I guess, but what wqould be a reasonable length into the
ground ?
How about 4 to 5 feet ? Again, it's for receiving only.
you can make a ground rod pounder by coupling several short section of pipe
together. the ground rod is inserted into the pipe which keeps the rod from
bending. as the rod is driven into the ground sections are removed one at a
time until the rod is at sufficient depth.
it's getting it out thats the trickey part