A Dairy Queen Special for Woger
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April 11th 06, 07:01 AM posted to alt.cocksucker.roger-wiseman,,,
Billy Smith
Posts: n/a
Scheissman likes Dairy Queen, it's how the Lardass drinks 10large Blizzards and keeps his 300 pound on a 5'6" frame!
Billy "Lardass Davies" Smith wrote:
Saint Clair Retard wrote:
And all this time Roger thought a Dairy Queen was a gay farmer.
No, a Dariy Queen is gopher face Tunder who lives in a hole in the
ground and sucks off his dog.
Is that for the all the crap that the moron has in his mouth.
No, Lardass, tell us why yuou always have a dick in your mouth.
explains his nasty teeth and foul breath.
BWHAHAHAHA Says Lardass Davies, who is missing teeth and the rest of
his that are there are green and black...not to mention Davies'
overbite that makes him look like a beaver.
Projecting again Scheissman after eating your turd cone. Is that why
your nasty teeth fell out recently?
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