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Old April 11th 06, 01:47 PM posted to,,
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Default Mark C. Morgan Spams

assraped by an old friend, but Markie enjoyed it wrote:
assraped by an old freind wrote:
an old freind wrote:
an old freind wrote:


you can't een get my age right and claim that you know where I live and
all sort of other person stuff about me

Yep, that IS your address, Marky. nope

Or are you saying one of these are you: (There aren't many Mark C.
Morgans in MI)
none of them are me



none of the folks listed that day is me there I am not lying when i sy
they are me

You are lying. The FCC Universal Licensing site says that it is you!
It's part of your online records, Markie, under your call, stupid.

Look under KB9RQZ
Amateur - 0001795668 - MORGAN, MARK C

Date Description Existing Value Requested Value
07/04/2004 Licensee / Applicant PO Box number changed 221
07/04/2004 Licensee / Applicant address changed 17366 N River Rd
07/04/2004 Licensee / Applicant city changed ILLIOPOLIS Chassell
07/04/2004 Licensee / Applicant state changed IL MI
07/04/2004 Licensee / Applicant zip code changed 652390221 49916
07/04/2004 Licensee / Applicant telephone number changed *********
07/04/2004 Licensee / Applicant email address changed *********
07/04/2004 Region changed 9 8

get ehlp

Get an English tutor.

You keep seeing Wiseman everywhere, retard.

no only you post wisemen

Wrong guess again, Marky. You stupid little faggot.

no guess Wismen I know and everybody know who you are

Wrong as usual, Markie. You are only guessing, because fatassed Heil
says I am Roger doesn't make it so.