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Old April 11th 06, 08:43 PM posted to alt.test,,,
an old freind
Posts: n/a
Default Wisemen the bankruapt

ass****ed by an old freind wrote:
why do you care? the only reason I care is it means their is no point
in suing suing him for his libel

Wrong, you stupid fat ****. It means he faked the record. The "lawyer"
who is supposed to have handled it, when called, the phone company
gives you an out of service message.

accrdoing to post it has ben 10 year numbers change people even lawyer
move on

You can't sue for libel, you
stupid retard.

I sure could just could not collect the judgment since you are so poor

Anything written is true, especially about you.

anything written is ture your word

you are a lying cheating pedophile that is obessed with a desire to hve
sex with LLoyd Davies and needs it so bad he sees him everywhere

accrdoing you that stament is true or are we just seeing you temper
little fool
about you.

and looks like somebody stuck a nerve