SBE Console II
"BuzzKenwood" wrote in message
Back in the 70's my brother and I were into CB, I had an SBE Console
II (2) at that time it was a 23 channel radio. Life went on and I
sold out and never got back into it, this was before the 40 channel
radios came out. Talking to my brother the other day we got into a
debate about how SBE came out with a Console II (2) with 40 channels.
Can anyone confirm that SBE did indeed have a console II with 40
channels. Did it have PLL or crystals (if PLL what chip?)
I don't know that they made a 40 channel version, but most I saw had one of
several compatible brands of VFO attached. One thing about it though, those
were very well made radios with great audio.