Radio Communications Foundation (RCF) - is a confidence trick underway?
Can it be that the Potty recognise that the writing is on
the wall and are safely feathering their nests with an escape
That's exactly what it is. The RSCB (like the rest of us) knows
perfectly well that the "Radio Society" con is blown wide open.
Their credibility is zero, and we have all see precisely how they
have manipulated Ofcom into creating Multiband CB as a cash
cow for Kirby & Co.
(It is noticeable that the controlling parties of the Potty
and of the RCF are the same people)
You bet they are. . .
Why con subscribing members of the Potty mob to pay out
yet again for the RCF (The "Big ****ters" of BadCon?)?
Because they really *do* think you're all morons! You're all expected
to be so stupid as to not realise that you have indeed been conned -
yet again. The RSCB has a long history of treating the mug punters
with total contempt. It would be foolish to expect that to change.
Face the facts: The RSCB is determined to milk you dry - whatever
way they can.
Why does the RCF exist at all - it is inconceivable that this
could happen in Yankland, where the ARRL _DOES_ represent
the interests of Radio Hams!
The ARRL really is a "National Radio Society", not a magazine
publisher running a scam. . .
BIG difference !!
Young Nick
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