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Old April 15th 06, 11:13 AM posted to alt.cocksucker.roger-wiseman,,,
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Default Why abortions are legal.

Years ago when the country was more conservative, abortions were illegal.
Then, as time moved on and cousins married cousins, brothers married
sisters, and dads impregnated their daughters, abortion was made the law of
land. West Virginia hailed this as normalizing the status quo.
Unfortunately for all of us, Woger Wussman was conceived well before
abortion was a legal option. Too bad.
It would have been fun to watch as Woger did double back flips in his
embryonic sac while trying to avoid the probing coat hanger. I can almost
see it. Woger twisting sideways to avoid the hook...saying, "Oops! You
missed me." Then again, when the hanger was inserted for another try I can
imagine Woger saying, "Nice try, Lloyd. But I am still here."
One can only imagine the tears Woger's birth giver must have shed when she
looked at him. In fact, one local witness to Woger's birth said that the
donor vagina looked at Woger and cried, "THAT thing came from my vagina?"
The witness stated that, to spare the donor vagina any further trauma, the
malformed product of intercourse (POI) was spirited out the back door of the
hatchery in a gunny sack.
Like all abortions that should have been, Woger is with us today whether we
like it or not. And to this day Woger has an aversion to coat hangers and
suffers bouts of nausea whenever he sees one.
You want to see Woger dance? Easy. Wave a metal coat hanger at him and watch
as he does the Hot Potato Hitchhike. He knows how to boogie!
Woger is fairly fleet of foot when it comes to dodging coat hangers. Too bad
he has not the same talent when it comes time to hide his ISPs.

And, Wog? Perhaps you could recommend the same back alley abortion
technician to Mark. It is not too late for Mark. Does this abortionist
perform lobotomies?
Oh, wait. Mark is in no need of a lobotomy. He has no brain matter to

Happy Easter, Woger. Give my condolences to your donor birth vagina.