On Sat, 15 Apr 2006 12:06:45 -0400, "Yuri Blanarovich"
it is similar to loading coil, but worse performer in
the loaded Yagi situation. Have look at the end of my article
Hi Yuri,
As usual, your statement has nothing to do with your link. What is
worse, this EZNEC model is from a third party who is not available to
comment as to the accuracy of your statements about performance.
Even more is the compounding of error at the link:
"G5RV antenna using inductors in the form of loading stubs"
Clearly, then, it is NOT a G5RV.
When we continue with the commentary we find:
"When simple inductance in Eznec is inserted in place of the
stubs, the current erroneously is shown as the same at the both
ends of the inductor."
Clearly, then, the model designer who expected something other does
not know how to design the model. It would seem after several years
of corrections to this error you continue to publish, that you would
have updated your page by now.
It is easy to offer broken solutions. This group sees many of them
that are then used to discredit either the tool or the theory. What
these broken models reveals are the bankrupt designer.
Perhaps you should vet the material from your contributors more
Richard Clark, KB7QHC