fun with loading
On Sat, 15 Apr 2006 21:44:55 -0400, "Yuri Blanarovich"
Hi Richard,
I thank you for posting such revealing evaluation of my deficient,
misleading knowledge.
Hi Yuri,
Your appreciation is well placed.
Anyone with spec of antenna knowledge can see that "G5RV" is operated as
dipole, judging by the standing wave current distribution, and it is not
cardinal sin to call it G5RV dipole or vice versa.
Anyone? No, this is embracing a crowd to insulate you from
sloppiness. You rail about accuracy, bewail efficiency, demand
perfection, and this is your defense? It works better in a teenager's
diary - not here.
If I can get away from deflecting mumbo-jumbo and over holidays, I will
start working on the project. Looks like audience here is looking for
sticking needles rather than providing answers and suggestions to questions.
More sobbing. Yuri, if "doing" this had anything to offer you, you
would have done it by now. Others, including myself, have already
posted results, answers and suggestions. We merely wait for you to
either catch up, or pass us.
In light of the many promises of more horsepower, faster acceleration,
and better gas mileage, that has been a long wait.
The main thrust of question posted here was, should he stay with loading
stubs or do something better. I described what was done, and stubs suck,
Suck goes right up there with BS that is sold for a dime a truck full.
coils are MUCH better
How much better? This sounds like a fractal sales pitch.
and that current distribution is what it is
Zen and BS depress the price to a nickel a truck load.
and illustrated in that "butchered" drawing by W5DXP.
This confirms my comment that you should vet your references closer.
I humbly bow in view of your much better, educational posting. I am sure the
questioner is fully satisfied with your answers and solutions.
Not something I would take for granted. You have to careful about
being humble, I whip peasants for fun too.
Richard Clark, KB7QHC
protecting the world against fractal salesmen for 10 years.